Kentaro's Sushi Party
Went to Kentaro's apartment in Kungshamra for his wonderful Sushi party! Met many nice people in the party as well! Although they are all doing PhD but we did not have problem finding common topics with them!
Kentaro, preparing great meal for us.
Now I know how to make Sushi rice, cook Japanese rice, then add Japanese White Vinegar, then do this...
Fan the rice with the cold windy air to cool it...
So the participants are: Jan the crazy Polish, Liz the jap-otaku Swede, Lan the Chinese, the usual ong wee ling, wilbur, bs, but anthony!
Thanks Kentaro for such a wonderful party! We shall invite you to taste our curry soon! (Hopefully it works!)
Disclaimer: Photos credit to Anthony and his EOS450D! I felt so sorry for my bad hairstyle that day!!!!!!!